Our mission
Bridge Boston Charter School is an inclusive and joyful community that combines a dynamic academic and social emotional learning program with an innovative full service model in order to meet the needs of the whole child and ensure our Scholars can achieve their greatest potential in high school and beyond.
Our Vision
In collaboration with our families and community partners, we shape curious, creative and resilient 21st century Scholars who are equipped to make a bold difference in our world.
JAGUAR Core Values
Joy | Achievement | Generosity | Unity | Acceptance | Resilience
At the heart of the Bridge Boston philosophy is the idea that we are building a community of learners and that the actions of one, affect all. While maintaining high academic standards is of utmost importance, as a community, we also care deeply about what sort of person a child is becoming. Bridge Boston Scholars are expected to embrace and demonstrate the essential values of the Bridge Jaguar at all times, including at school, on the bus, on field trips, and during special events.
Joy: We try to bring a positive energy to everything we do and create opportunities to celebrate our individual and collective success
Achievement: We strive for excellence and hold each other and ourselves accountable to the highest of standard.
Generosity: We look for opportunities to help one another and lift up other members of our community
Unity: We are one team and resolve our differences respectfully so we can move forward as a united front
Acceptance: We strive to create an inclusive and welcoming community where everyone feels known and valued
Resilience: We confront challenges and adversity head on and never, ever give up