We sustain academic rigor by increasing learning time, setting high expectations, and helping meet the health and social service needs of our Scholars.


Founding Core Beliefs



Students learn best in a comprehensive, individualized, rigorous academic program that both teaches basic skills and inspires students to have rich intellectual lives.

Features of our academic program

  • An extended school day: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 7:30am-3:45pm, and Wednesdays from 7:30am-12:15pm.

  • A school that year runs from August through June

  • More than three hours daily of math, reading, and writing

  • Teachers who meet weekly to discuss curriculum and lesson planning

  • Regular teacher professional development and observations that focus on instruction, student data, and best practices

  • A rich and thematic social studies and science curricula that are each designed to incorporate hands-on projects and develop student inquiry

  • Licensed ELL teachers who provide ELL students with their needed hours of intervention

  • Inclusion support across all academic areas

  • Pull-out support with modified curricula for those in need

  • A Special Education department that equips students with disabilities with the academic and life skills needed to be active participants in their classrooms and in their communities

  • Speech and Language services through an individual education program (IEP) that are provided either in the classroom (push-in services) or in the speech room (pull-out services)

  • Occupational Therapy services through an individual education program (IEP) that are provided either in the classroom (push-in services) or in the OT room (pull-out services)



Students learn best in a school that has an intentional focus on the elimination of barriers to learning through vibrant community partnerships that allow the school to meet the health and social service needs of its students.


  • Annual vision, scoliosis, and hearing screenings (in depth hearing screenings for K1)

  • Eye glasses

  • Dental clinics on site

  • Three nutritious meals and a snack provided by our own full-service kitchen

  • Referrals and help with housing, social services, and food security

  • A Family Resource Room for our parents that includes computers, printers, a washer/dryer, and extra dress code clothes

  • Three full-time social workers and student support team

  • Parent workshops on a range of topics including asthma awareness, health and wellness, financial planning, reading at home, and behavior management strategies

  • Clinical counseling and health services through partners such as Boston Medical Center, the Home for Little Wanderers, Horizons for Homeless Children, South Bay Mental Health, New England Eye, and Forsyth Dental, Cradles to Crayons, and Rosie’s Place

  • An After-School partnership with the Boys and Girls Club

  • An After-School partnership with Mass Audubon



Bridge Boston works to create a nurturing community that honors the whole child. Classrooms are both joyful and demanding. We strive to create a balance between ensuring that students have the space and tools to cope with the aftermath of the trauma with which so many of them grapple, while continually pushing them to think deeply, read critically, write clearly, and solve problems independently. We want to expand our students’ self-discipline and self-appreciation.


  • A social-emotional curriculum designed to develop the successful management of life tasks such as learning, forming relationships, solving everyday problems, collaboration, decision-making, conflict resolution, and being resilient against negative peer pressure or substance abuse

  • Our core values of joy, achievement, generosity, unity, acceptance, and resiliency (JAGUAR)

  • A strong art, music, and physical education program grounded in the idea that different children shine in different milieus