Lead Teacher +

Bridge Boston is committed to investing in and retaining our highest-performing teachers.

Our Lead Teacher Plus Program supports our highest-performing teachers in modeling instructional practices that result in exceptional student achievement and teaching across our school building.

There are three distinct pathways and initiatives under the Lead Teacher Plus umbrella, each with similar expectations in terms of deliverables and time commitment:


problem of practice team

Known affectionately as the “PoP Squad,” this team works on an annual basis to identify a single problem of practice that cuts across multiple grade levels and subject areas at Bridge Boston relating to an area Bridge would like for students to achieve.

They work with our Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) to build a school-wide scope and sequence of the curriculum and tools to support teachers - rubrics, readings, lesson plans, et cetera.

Once approved, the team designs and leads up to five professional development workshops for departments and grade-level teams, supporting their efforts through data collection and progress monitoring.

Literacy task force

The core responsibility of the LTF is to drive BBCS’ Literacy Response to Intervention (RTI) program - a multi-tier approach to the early identification and support of students with learning and behavior needs. Over the course of the school year, they develop and lead five whole-school professional development sessions on:

  • The use of data to support teachers in constructing literacy intervention groups

  • Specific instructional content and strategies to use during small group literacy interventions

  • Data collection and progress monitoring

The LTF supplements these sessions by creating tools and best practice resources, including lesson templates, videos, and observation/coaching forms, and holding regular office hours for teachers to receive extra support on their literacy interventions.

department chairs

In addition to their role as lead teachers, Department Chairs serve as the primary coach/supervisor of the teachers in their departments - ELA, Math, Science, Athletics, and Music. This position is responsible for the implementation of curriculum and instructional practices that result in exceptional student achievement and teaching.

With the support of the Chief Academic Officer and Division Directors, department chairs are responsible for instructional coaching, targeted professional development, vertical alignment of curriculum, and coordinating academic intervention for students with high needs. 


Candidates must have at least three years of teaching experience. While it is preferred for a teacher to be working at Bridge for at least one year before entering the program, it is possible for new staff to apply and be accepted to Lead Teacher Plus directly.

Here’s what we’ve seen from our most successful teachers at Bridge: 

  • Curiosity about student learning - They are driven to use data, student work, and observations of learning to figure out how to give their student what they need to grow as scholars and as human beings. 

  • Love for the content - They love the puzzle of figuring out how to make academic content engaging and accessible to all students. 

  • Cultural sensitivity and humility - They know that strong relationships are the foundation of teaching and learning, and therefore recognize that there’s constant work to be done to build trust with all their students, families, and colleagues. 

  • Continuous learning - They are reflective and inquisitive about what is and is not working for their students, and they’re open to learning and trying new things through professional development and coaching. 

  • Professionalism & Collaboration - They understand that being a good teammate and role model is as important to our overall success as a school as being an effective instructor. 

  • Positivity - Even when faced with extraordinary challenges, they work hard to stay open-minded, strengths-based, solutions-oriented, and proactive. 


The Lead Teacher Plus salary scale provides additional compensation on a sliding scale that is at least $4,000 higher than the Lead Teacher salary scale.

*Our full Lead Teacher Plus Salary Scale will be available shortly!