Bridge Boston is committed to preventing summer slide or the loss of academic skills by students over the summer break. The summer program also ensures that our children benefit from an additional month of healthy meals and enriching educational and community-building activities.
We fulfill our responsibilities year around
The past two summers, Bridge Boston partnered with GenerationTeach to provide evidence-based summer learning to students at Bridge Boston in grades 3-8. Students received academic instruction, with blocks dedicated to literacy, math, reading, art, music, and writing. Students also enjoyed multiple recesses each day, as well as nutritious breakfasts, snacks and lunches. After lunch students participated in engaging learning activities and field trips.
BBCS hosted our own summer program from students in K2 - 2nd grade, offering a mix of academics, field trips, social-emotional learning, and plenty of time in our outdoor garden classroom.
Our summer programming also provides Bridge Boston with a way of fulfilling our responsibility to students on Individualized Education Plans (IEPs), some of whom have summer program attendance specified as part of their IEP. Specifically, our summer program enables us to instruct students with disabilities in a manner that is consistent with the rest of their academic year.
For questions about BBCS’s summer programming, reach out to our Director of Operations, Jacori Telfair.