ELL Program Overview:
We believe that all students deserve the chance to learn and achieve as part of a challenging, joyful, and inclusive school community in which their families and experiences are valued. Bridge Boston is ardently focused on ensuring that every student has access to our curricula, regardless of language proficiency. We guarantee equal access for our ELL students through a robust ELL Program Model that is flexible to meet the needs of students and families. The ELL Program ensures that the language needs of each student are met by monitoring his or her growth in English language proficiency throughout his or her time at Bridge Boston.
What is ELPAC?
ELPAC is the acronym for English Learner Parents Advisory Council. Each school district is required under Massachusetts General Law to have a parent advisory council if more than 5% of the student body is an English learner.
When and where are the meetings?
Bridge Boston's ELL team coordinates meetings at the availability of our ELL/ FEL families. Meetings are held via Zoom in the evenings mutiple times throughout the year. Talking Points messages will be sent out prior to ELPAC meetings. The ELPAC will discuss a variety of topics such as the planning and development of our ELL program.
The mission of the Bridge Boston ELPAC:
To forward the understanding of, respect for, and support of all children with english language learning needs.
Promote a network of parents of children with english language learning needs, and provide a forum for the parents to share information.
Advise the Director of English Language Learners regarding the operation and development of ELL programs, parent and teacher training needs, and to help develop policy.
Promote communication between parents, staff and administration.
Promote communication and programs within the community that seek to encourage understanding, acceptance and inclusion of the children with english language learning needs.
Provide informational forums to parents as often as possible.
Contact Information:
To ask questions or learn more, email our Interim Dean of Curriculum and Instruction of English Language Learners Elle Thompson.
Resource list